Who we are?
We are a diverse group of people with different professions, interests and ways of thinking, but we connect like a well-designed traffic junction.
We are bursting with questions that start with: What? How? Why? When? Where? and To where? We are tirelessly searching for solutions that would save human lives and health in the traffic jungle. We are a thorn in the side of all those who have forgotten that traffic participants are not just numbers in negative statistics.
safety.guru INSTITUTE for the Promotion of Culture and Traffic Safety
With more than 30 years of experience, I am still not tired of finding out new and more effective solutions for the purpose of achieving a higher level of traffic safety. The basis for this are jobs ranging from executive service to middle management and 10 years of teaching at universities. In class, I “torture” students the most with analytical work, research projects and writing technical papers. When I give my students a break, I “torture” myself by counting kilometers in tennis shoes and recording various traffic situations.

With more than 30 years of experience, I am still not tired of finding out new and more effective solutions for the purpose of achieve a higher level of traffic safety. The basis for this is jobs from executive service to middle management and 10 years of teaching at universities. In class, I “torture” students the most with analytical and research working and writing expert papers. When I leave the students to rest, I “torture” myself by counting kilometres in tennis shoes and recording various traffic situations.
I have been working in the railway system for 37 years in different workplaces, where I always tried to improve the functioning of the system. I paid special attention to the safety of railway traffic, especially when it interacts with road traffic. I am a fan of technology, electronics, electrical engineering and informatics, and I am most impressed by high-quality technical solutions and devices that improve the safety and efficiency of railway traffic. In my spare time, I play the guitar and create guitar electronic effects.

As a young railway engineer, I share the passion and desire for the improvement of the existing transport system with the application of modern innovative technologies. My personal interest is the goods transport sector, which significantly affects the economy of the Republic of Croatia. Despite all the challenges, I believe that there is still light at the end of the tunnel and that we should go full steam ahead.
Why safety.GURU?
In Sanskrit, guru means a “teacher” who is indispensable for students in their search for knowledge. GU represents the spiritual ignorance which plagues most of the humanity and RU represents the light of spiritual knowledge that illuminates ignorance.
In modern western usage, he or she can also be an expert with above average knowledge and extensive experience in a certain field. This is reflected in our name. There are several traffic ambassadors in the Institute. They are learning, promoting and disseminating knowledge and understanding about the importance of safe and cultured behavior in traffic and, generally, in life, too.
“GURU” is the one who illuminates the darkness of people’s ignorance and provides them with spiritual experiences and knowledge.

Our mission is to create a socially acceptable value system in traffic culture. Prioritizing safety is the responsibility of each individual traffic participant.
This encompasses:
socially acceptable behavior of the transport system users and participants / reducing the number of accidents, injuries and fatalities / striving for “0 accidents and casualties” / raising the level of traffic culture / fostering positive attitudes about traffic / building mutual tolerance / changing acquired incorrect or negative attitudes / developing solidarity, human and ethical relations / raising awareness of about the importance of preserving human health and life / promoting environment protection.
The most important priority for safety is every individual traffic participant. The highest standards of traffic safety (along with technological logistics) can be achieved only if the individuals put themselves at the center of the activity and take personal responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others.
To change people’s perspective of their own life, human history, traffic and the world around them. To be an encouragement and inspiration for a better, safer and happier life. Our vision is to go back to a safer future.

Traffic safety is IN and being the “Heroj ulice” is cool.
Join us!
Traffic safety – one of the most important areas of operation of traffic planners. Every year, significant amounts of funds are invested and a number of activities are carried out in order to improve the high level of safety. Vision Zero directs activities to reach zero traffic fatalities and serious injuries and has significantly shifted the focus on safety. Traffic systems must be built in a way to minimize human error. For this reason, the activities of the SG.I are directed towards research as well as preventive and educational activities.
We are never in such a hurry to get somewhere that we don’t have time for traffic culture.
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Culture in traffic – traffic participants are often characterized as uncultured, and this is cited as the cause of traffic accidents. And yet, the traffic planners who make such claims often make the same mistakes as those traffic participants. Most of the participants are not aware of the dangers in traffic and the mistakes they make. Therefore, SG.I tries to raise awareness about risky behaviors and the dangers traffic participants face through preventive and educational activities. Most of these activities are related to cultural expressions: musical, artistic and theatrical.

Before you can walk, you must learn to crawl and you must learn to walk before you can ride a bike or drive a motor vehicle.
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Traffic psychology – the key change with Vision Zero is raising the awareness of traffic planners when designing traffic solutions. The traditional approach to traffic solutions viewed traffic participants as perfect beings, which is not realistic. Vision Zero recognizes the imperfection of traffic participants, so solutions that will minimize human error are already being incorporated into traffic systems. The role of psychologists in determining human behavior in traffic has therefore become crucial. Technical traffic solutions have nearly reached perfection. Now, it’s time to deal with human imperfections.
I refuse to be just a number or a cheap machine and that’s why I’m an active traffic participant.
Get moving!
Traffic & Sport – both recreational and competitive athletes can increasingly be seen as participants in the transport infrastructure. In this category, primarily pedestrians, runners and cyclists stand out as they are among the most vulnerable groups in traffic. Actively engaging in sports in traffic offers multiple benefits: the traffic participants strengthen their physical and mental strength, reducing the number of errors, but they also discover new places, parks and mountains where they can engage in physical activities. Through the participation of the SG.I members in sports events, we discover new traffic situations and solutions.

You can download our statute via the following linkk: Safety Guru Institute – Statut