

Education: Transport
Time: 14.11.2024.
Place: Libertas International University, Business Security Management
Lecturer: Ivan Oleksa, Matija Krajačić
Course: Safety of Goods Flows

Education: Crew Resource Management
Date: 14.11.2024.
Place: Libertas International University, Business Security Management
Lecturer: Tomislav Pušnik
Course: Safety of Goods Flows

Education: “#SaveLives”
Time: 28.03.2024.
Place: Libertas International University, Business Security Management
Lecturer: Sanja Paić
Course: Safety of Roads and Terminals

As part of the regular classes, a lecture titled ‘#SaveLives’ was conducted. The aim of this lecture was to focus attention on preventive safety for:”
• Zone 30
• Steps That Make a Difference – safety at rail and road intersections.

Education: Steps That Make a Difference – Trespassing at the Zagreb Borongaj Station
Date: 2023.
Location: North University, Koprivnica and Varaždin
Lecturer: Sanja Paić, Dražen Kaužljar
Course: Science Festival

During the spring of 2023, a series of activities were organized as part of the project “Steps that make a difference – Trespassing at the Zagreb Borongaj station” which dealt with raising awareness about the dangers of crossing the railway line at trespassing in the area of ​​the Zagreb Borongaj station. At the training, the results of project activities were presented and the dangers of using trespassing were highlighted.

Education: Steps That Make a Difference – The Story of Hendrix
Date: 7/5/2023.
Place: Hrvatsko Zagorje Polytechnic Krapina, Transport Logistics
Lecturer: Sanja Paić
Course: Basics of Railway Transport Technology

THE STORY OF HENDRIX – Steps that make a difference” was presented as part of regular classes. The purpose of this lecture was to direct thinking towards preventive safety for:
• For “The Steps That Make a difference” from a threat to an action plan for dealing with risks
• Stories of the Hendrix Bridge
• For “The Steps That Make a difference” from database to performance in the traffic system.

Education: “#SaveLives”
Date: 30.3.2023.
Place: Libertas International University, Business Security Management
Lecturer: Sanja Paić
Course: Safety of Roads and Terminals

As part of the regular classes, a lecture titled ‘#SaveLives’ was conducted. The aim of this lecture was to focus attention on preventive safety for:”
• Zone 30
• Steps That Make a Difference – safety at rail and road intersections.

Education: Steps That Make a Difference – The Story of Hendrix
Date: 8/4/2022.
Place: Libertas International University, Business Security Management
Lecturer: Sanja Paić
Course: Safety of Roads and Terminals

THE STORY OF HENDRIX – Steps that make a difference” was presented as part of regular classes. The purpose of this lecture was to direct thinking towards preventive safety for:
• For “The Steps That Make a difference” from a threat to an action plan for dealing with risks
• Stories of the Hendrix Bridge
• For “The Steps That Make a difference” from database to performance in the traffic system.

Education: Steps That Make a Difference – The Story of Hendrix
Date: 25.11.2023.
Place: Libertas International University, Business Security Management
Lecturer: Sanja Paić
Course: Safety of Goods Flows

THE STORY OF HENDRIX – Steps that make a difference” was presented as part of regular classes. The purpose of this lecture was to direct thinking towards preventive safety for:
• For “The Steps That Make a difference” from a threat to an action plan for dealing with risks
• Stories of the Hendrix Bridge
• For “The Steps That Make a difference” from database to performance in the traffic system

Education: Steps That Make a Difference – Trespassing at the Zagreb Borongaj Station
Date: 10.5.2022.
Place: Hrvatsko Zagorje Polytechnic Krapina, Transport Logistics
Lecturer: Dražen Kaužljar, Sanja Paić
Course: Basics of railway transport technology

During the spring of 2023, a series of activities were organized as part of the project “Steps that make a difference – Trespassing at the Zagreb Borongaj station” which dealt with raising awareness about the dangers of crossing the railway line at trespassing in the area of ​​the Zagreb Borongaj station. At the training, the results of project activities were presented and the dangers of using trespassing were highlighted.

Education: Steps That Make a Difference – Trespassing at the Zagreb Borongaj Station
Date: 7/4/2022.
Place: Libertas International University, Business Security Management
Lecturer: Dražen Kaužljar, Sanja Paić
Course: Safety of Roads and Terminals

During the spring of 2023, a series of activities were organized as part of the project “Steps that make a difference – Trespassing at the Zagreb Borongaj station” which dealt with raising awareness about the dangers of crossing the railway line at trespassing in the area of ​​the Zagreb Borongaj station. At the training, the results of project activities were presented and the dangers of using trespassing were highlighted.

Education: Octopus with attitude – National day without mobile phones in traffic
Date: 17.10.2022.
Place: Libertas International University, Business Security Management
Lecturer: Sanja Paić
Course: Safety of Goods Flows

In order to raise awareness of the safety of all traffic participants, the Croatian Parliament declared October 21 as the National Road Safety Day.
The project “Day without mobile phones in traffic” is implemented as an awareness campaign with the aim of reducing traffic accidents caused by the fact that all traffic participants – drivers, cyclists and pedestrians – use mobile phones.
The mobile phone is the fourth “killer” on the road, and in Croatia, 91% of drivers, 33% of cyclists and 50% of pedestrians use it behind the wheel.

Education: Octopus with attitude – Be like me
Date: 10.5.2021.
Place: Science Festival; North Koprivnica University
Lecturer: Sanja Paić
Course: –

As part of the ONLINE Science Festival at the University of the North in Koprivnica, the topic “Octopus with attitude – Be like me!” was presented.
The purpose of this lecture was to direct thinking towards the preventive safety of students as:
• traffic participants
• future experts in charge of traffic safety.
Students were given the opportunity to record a video in which they will be able to show the message “No cell phones in traffic!” in sign language

Education: Rijeka – Center of historical, cultural and transport diversity and connectivity
Date: 11.5.2021.
Place: Hrvatsko Zagorje Polytechnic Krapina, Transport Logistics
Lecturer: Dražen Kaužljar, Sanja Paić
Course: Basics of Railway Transport Technology

In 2020, Rijeka was the European Capital of Culture, making it an ideal opportunity to improve the city’s transport system in the ‘City That Flows.’ The project ‘Rijeka – A Center of Historical, Cultural, and Traffic Diversity and Connectivity’ offered various solutions for effectively solving accumulated traffic issues.

Education: “#SaveLives”
Date: 20.5.2021.
Place: Libertas International University, Business Security Management
Lecturer: Sanja Paić
Course: Safety of Roads and Terminals

“#SaveLives” was presented as part of regular classes. The purpose of this lecture was to direct thinking towards preventive security for:
• Zone 30
• Steps That Make a Difference – safety at rail and road intersections.

Education: Octopus with attitude – National day without mobile phones in traffic
Date: 6/5/2021.
Place: Libertas International University, Business Security Management
Lecturer: Sanja Paić
Course: Safety of Roads and Terminals

In order to raise awareness of the safety of all traffic participants, the Croatian Parliament declared October 21 as the National Road Safety Day.
The project “Day without mobile phones in traffic” is implemented as an awareness campaign with the aim of reducing traffic accidents caused by the fact that all traffic participants – drivers, cyclists and pedestrians – use mobile phones.
The mobile phone is the fourth “killer” on the road, and in Croatia, 91% of drivers, 33% of cyclists and 50% of pedestrians use it behind the wheel.

Education: Octopus with attitude – National day without mobile phones in traffic
Date: 19/10/2020.
Place: Libertas International University, Business Security Management
Lecturer: Sanja Paić
Course: Safety of Goods Flows

In order to raise awareness of the safety of all traffic participants, the Croatian Parliament declared October 21 as the National Road Safety Day.
The project “Day without mobile phones in traffic” is implemented as an awareness campaign with the aim of reducing traffic accidents caused by the fact that all traffic participants – drivers, cyclists and pedestrians – use mobile phones.
The mobile phone is the fourth “killer” on the road, and in Croatia, 91% of drivers, 33% of cyclists and 50% of pedestrians use it behind the wheel.

Education: Rijeka – Center of historical, cultural and transport diversity and connectivity
Date: 24.5.2020.
Place: Hrvatsko Zagorje Polytechnic Krapina, Transport Logistics
Lecturer: Dražen Kaužljar, Sanja Paić
Course: Basics of Railway Transport Technology

In 2020, Rijeka was the European Capital of Culture, making it an ideal opportunity to improve the city’s transport system in the ‘City That Flows.’ The project ‘Rijeka – A Center of Historical, Cultural, and Traffic Diversity and Connectivity’ offered various solutions for effectively solving accumulated traffic issues.”

Education: Rijeka – Center of historical, cultural and transport diversity and connectivity
Date: 19.5.2019.
Place: Libertas International University, Business Security Management
Lecturer: Sanja Paić
Course: Safety of Roads and Terminals

In 2020, Rijeka was the European Capital of Culture, making it an ideal opportunity to improve the city’s transport system in the ‘City That Flows.’ The project ‘Rijeka – A Center of Historical, Cultural, and Traffic Diversity and Connectivity’ offered various solutions for effectively solving accumulated traffic issues.”

Education: Octopus with attitude – National day without mobile phones in traffic
Date: 19/10/2019.
Place: Libertas International University, Business Security Management
Lecturer: Sanja Paić
Course: Safety of Goods Flows

In order to raise awareness of the safety of all traffic participants, the Croatian Parliament declared October 21 as the National Road Safety Day.
The project “Day without mobile phones in traffic” is implemented as an awareness campaign with the aim of reducing traffic accidents caused by the fact that all traffic participants – drivers, cyclists and pedestrians – use mobile phones.
The mobile phone is the fourth “killer” on the road, and in Croatia, 91% of drivers, 33% of cyclists and 50% of pedestrians use it behind the wheel.

Education: Rijeka – Center of historical, cultural and transport diversity and connectivity
Date: 19.5.2019.
Place: Libertas International University, Business Security Management
Lecturer: Sanja Paić
Course: Safety of Roads and Terminals

In 2020, Rijeka was the European Capital of Culture, making it an ideal opportunity to improve the city’s transport system in the ‘City That Flows.’ The project ‘Rijeka – A Center of Historical, Cultural, and Traffic Diversity and Connectivity’ offered various solutions for effectively solving accumulated traffic issues.”

Edukacija: Hobotnica sa stavom – Nacionalni dan bez mobitela u prometu
Vrijeme: 19.10.2020.
Mjesto: Libertas međunarodno sveučilište, studij Menadžment poslovne sigurnosti
Predavač: Sanja Paić
Kolegij: Sigurnost robnih tokova
Hrvatski sabor u cilju podizanja svijesti o sigurnosti svih sudionika u prometu proglasio je dan 21. listopada Nacionalnim danom sigurnosti cestovnog prometa.
Projekt „Dan bez mobitela u prometu“ provodi se kao kampanja osvješćivanja i u cilju smanjenja prometnih nesreća uzrokovanih time što svi sudionici u prometu – vozači, biciklisti i pješaci – upotrebljavaju mobitele.
Mobitel je četvrti „ubojica“ na cesti, a u Hrvatskoj ga za volanom koristi 91% vozača, 33%biciklista i 50% pješaka.

Vrijeme: 2019.
Mjesto: Veleučilište Hrvatsko zagorje Krapina, studij Prometna logistika
Predavač: Sanja Paić
Kolegij: Osnove tehnologije željezničkog prometa

Education:Suffering of young people in the railroad belt & risky behaviors
Place:Libertas International University, Business Security Management
Lecturer:Sanja Paić
Course:Safety of Roads and Terminals

Due to the suffering of people at wild railway crossings and the risky behavior of young people in the railway area, special attention was initiated after the preventive and educational campaign at the wild crossing along the Vrapčak stream. Various forms of risky behavior along the railway line were presented to future traffic planners.

Education: Octopus with attitude – National day without mobile phones in traffic
Date: 13/11/2019.
Place: Libertas International University, Business Security Management
Lecturer: Sanja Paić
Course: Safety of Goods Flows

“Octopus with attitude – Be like me!”was presented as part of regular classes. The purpose of this lecture was to direct thinking towards the preventive safety of students as:
• traffic participants
• future experts in charge of traffic safety.
Students were given the opportunity to record a video in which they will be able to show the message “No cell phones in traffic!” in sign language.

Edukacija: PRIČA O HENDRIXU – Koraci koji čine razliku
Vrijeme: 05. svibnja 2023., 18:00
Mjesto: Veleučilište Hrvatsko zagorje Krapina, Prometna logistika, Osnove tehnologije željezničkog prometa
Predavač: Dražen Kaužljar

Edukacija: PRIČA O HENDRIXU – Koraci koji čine razliku
Vrijeme: 15. travnja 2023., 11:00
Mjesto: Sveučilište Sjever, Logistika i mobilnost – Sigurnosni sustavi u prometu
Predavači: Sanja Paić / Dražen Kaužljar

Edukacija: „Hobotnica sa stavom!“
Vrijeme: 31. ožujka 2023., 16:00
Mjesto: Veleučilište Hrvatsko zagorje Krapina
Predavač: Dražen Kaužljar
Gost predavač: Sanja Paić

Edukacija: „Dan bez mobitela u prometu“
Vrijeme: 21. listopada 2021., 17.20h-19.20h
Mjesto: Libertas međunarodno sveučilište, studij Menadžment poslovne sigurnosti
Predavač: Dražen Kaužljar

Edukacija: „Zone 30“
Vrijeme realizacije projekta: 20. svibnja 2021., 18:00 do 19:00
Mjesto provedbe projekta: ONLINE, Libertas međunarodno sveučilište, studij Menadžment poslovne sigurnosti
Predavači: Dražen Kaužljar / Sanja Paić
Sponzor: safety.guru INSTITUT

Edukacija: „Hobotnica sa stavom!- Budi kao ja!“
Vrijeme realizacije projekta: 10. svibnja 2021., 16:15 do 17:45
Mjesto provedbe projekta: ONLINE, Veleučilište Hrvatsko zagorje Krapina, Studij Prometna logistika

Edukacija: „Hobotnica sa stavom!“
Vrijeme: 22. listopada 2020., 18h-19h
Mjesto: ONLINE, Libertas međunarodno sveučilište, studij Menadžment poslovne sigurnosti
Predavač: Dražen Kaužljar