
Professional meetings: Conference on road safety – challenges of modern technologies
Organizer: Journal Zaštita
Date: September 10, 2024
Place: Zagreb, Hotel Zonar
Lecturer: Dražen Kaužljar,

The conference on road safety dealt with topics related to the application of modern technological solutions in order to improve traffic safety. As part of the panel discussion “How to increase traffic safety”, a member of SG.I participated.

Professional meetings: 15th ILCAD Conference (International Level Crossing Awareness Day)
Time: June 6, 2024.
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Paper: Sanja Paić: Free FOR Safety

In the education and awareness section, a member of SG.I gave a presentation on the role of traffic planners in achieving Vision Zero goals.

Time: 7-8. November 2023
Place: Zagreb, Hotel Esplanade
Paper: Sanja Paić, Dražen Kaužljar, Mario Dautović: The story of the Hendrix bridge as a source of traffic safety improvement

The main topics of the 15th conference on corporate social responsibility were expert topics on corporate reporting with green policies. In the part of presenting scientific professional papers, members of SG.I held presentations on raising the level of traffic safety through sports activities.

Professional meetings: 14th ILCAD Conference (International Level Crossing Awareness Day)
: June 14, 2023.
: Warsaw, Poland
: Sanja Paić: The Story of Hendrix

In the part of education and awareness, a member of SG.I gave a presentation on the risky behavior of young people on bridges and preventive activities at sports events.

Professional meeting: HEALTH PROTECTION AT WORK – News, projects, occupational diseases, transport
: March 16, 2023, 10:00 a.m
: Zagreb, Kraš factory, 10000 Zagreb, Ravnice 48
: Dražen Kaužljar, Sanja Paić, Mario Dautović: Safety of health and life of workers and traffic participants at intersections of roads and industrial tracks

As part of the topic related to health protection at work, the topic related to professional drivers whose place of work is transport infrastructure, and road and railway crossings are particularly risky places, was presented.

: 4.-5. October 2022
: Zagreb, Hotel Esplanade
: Sanja Paić, Dražen Kaužljar, Mario Dautović: “Steps that make a difference in order to reduce trespassing in the area of ​​Zagreb Borongaj station”

The main themes of the 14th conference on corporate social responsibility were 10 years of UNICEF’s 10 principles on the business sector and children’s rights and the results of the Workplace Inclusion Champion (WIC) project and framework and management, environmental and social reporting standards. On the second day of the conference, the topics were Obstacles and incentives to greater social engagement of the economy in Croatia and social engagement of entrepreneurship in Croatia. In the part of presenting expert papers, members of SG.I held presentations on solving the problem of wild crossings in the area of ​​Zagreb Borongaj station.

Professional meeting: 13th ILCAD Conference (International Level Crossing Awareness Day)
Date: 19.-20. June 2022
Location: Denver, USA
Paper: Sanja Paić, Dražen Kaužljar: Octopus with attitude – How vulnerable groups are created

In the education and awareness section, a member of SG.I gave a presentation on professional drivers.

Organizer: Journal Zaštita
: June 8, 2022.
: Zagreb, Hotel Westin
: Dražen Kaužljar, Sanja Paić: The role of traffic planners in the implementation of the project “Steps that make a difference!” at the wild crossings of the Zagreb Borongaj station

The conference on road traffic safety dealt with topics related to the National Road Traffic Safety Plan and the search for solutions to reduce the number of traffic accidents. Members of SG.I gave their presentation on trespassing as illegal risky meeting places of railway traffic and pedestrians as vulnerable group in traffic.

As part of the topic related to health protection at work, the topic related to travel time to and from work and the key causes of traffic accidents with serious consequences was presented: speed, seat belts, alcohol and mobile phones.

Professional meeting: PROTECTION OF HEALTH AT WORK – Traffic, Management System for Work Producers, ZNR Commissioner, Health
Date: May 19, 2022.
Place: Zagreb, Kraš factory, 10000 Zagreb, Ravnice 48
Lecturer: Dražen Kaužljar, Sanja Paić: Improving a healthy workplace through the implementation of the National Road Traffic Safety Program

Improving a healthy workplace by implementing the National Road Safety Program.

Professional meeting: Meetings 2022 – 5th Symposium of the Polytechnic of the Hrvatsko zagorje Krapina – Information Systems and Teaching during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Organizer: Polytechnic of Hrvatsko Zagorje Krapina
Date: 22.-23. April 2022
Place: Krapina, VHZK
Lecturer: Dražen Kaužljar, Sanja Paić: Comparison of the success of exercises and assignments during live and online classes

At the symposium “Information Systems and Teaching during the COVID-19 Pandemic”, members of SG.I presented learning through exercises and tasks organized through methods of thinking and creativity related to the areas of raising the level of traffic safety.

Date: 9.-10. November 2021
Place: Zagreb, Hotel Esplanade
Paper: Dražen Kaužljar: Social responsibility to reduce the number of trespassing

The main topics of the 13th conference on corporate social responsibility were climate change, financial sustainability, sustainability reporting, social justice, industrial policy, diversity policy and natural capital. In the part of presenting professional papers, members of SG.I gave presentations on solving the problem of trespassing in Zagreb.

Professional meeting: ARE THERE ANYONE AWAKE? CHOOSE LIFE!” Improvement of safety at intersections of roads and industrial tracks
Organizer: INSTITUTE
Date: July 20, 2020.
Place: Zagreb, RCL Croatia
Lecturer: Dražen Kaužljar: “ARE THERE AWAKE? CHOOSE LIFE!” Improving safety at intersections of roads and industrial tracks”

SG.I organized an expert meeting related to the topic of improved safety at road intersections with industrial tracks and junctions. At the meeting, the results of the study of the current state of safety at road intersections with industrial tracks and junctions were presented, and all interested parties were present at the meeting: the owners of industrial tracks, a representative of the manager of the railway infrastructure, a representative of the manager of the road infrastructure and local authorities, a representative of the Police and users of industrial tracks track.

Stručni skup: IMA LI BUDNIH? IZABERI ŽIVOT!” Unaprjeđenje sigurnosti na križanjima cesta i industrijskih kolosijeka
Organizator: INSTITUT
Vrijeme: 20. srpnja 2020.
Mjesto: Zagreb, RCL Vroatia
Predavač: Dražen Kaužljar:

“IMA LI BUDNIH? IZABERI ŽIVOT!” Unaprjeđenje sigurnosti na križanjima cesta i industrijskih kolosijeka“
SG.I je organizirao stručni skup vezan uz temu unaprijeđena sigurnosti na križanjima cesta s industrijskim kolosijecima i matičnjacima. Na skupu su prezentirani rezultatu studije postojećeg stanja sigurnosti na križanjima cesta s industrijskim kolosijecima i matičnjacima, a na skupu su bili prisutni svih zainteresiranih strana: vlasnici industrijskih kolosijeka, predstavnik upravitelja željezničke infrastrukture, predstavnik upravitelja cestovne infrastrukture i lokalne vlasti, predstavnik Policije te korisnici industrijskih kolosijeka.

: 19.-20. November 2019
: Zagreb, Hotel Esplanade
Paper 1
.: Sanja Paić: Analysis of the results of the research on the experiences of professional drivers at level crossings
Paper 2
.: Dražen Kaužljar: Application of the safety-culture-traffic-psychology matrix as prevention in railway traffic safety

The main topics of the 11th conference on corporate social responsibility were climate change and financial sustainability and corporate governance and culture. In the section “Strengthening capacity for sustainable development: media, education, standardization, analysis”, members of SG.I held two presentations with proposals for raising the level of culture and safety in traffic.

Professional meeting: 11th ILCAD Conference (International Level Crossing Awareness Day)
: 19.-20. June 2019
: Amersfort, Netherlands
: Sanja Paić, Marela Sopta: “Being a professional driver” – Presentation of the results of research into the experiences of professional drivers at railway and road crossings

The ILCAD conference was divided into six thematic groups: Human Factors and Behavior, Risk Management and Assessment, Investigation, Engineering and Innovation, Education and Awareness, and Enforcement. In the education and awareness section, SG.I members gave their presentation on professional drivers.