
We are all proud of our beautiful Croatia. It is even more beautiful without the small waste in the parks and streets of many careless smokers.

Those same people could now wait to pollute the environment if they decide to participate in the initiative “Because Butty Protects the Park” which has decided to solve the problem in a great way.

Instead of the cigarette butts ending up on the floor, the idea is that they end up in one of Butty’s wise heads (large transparent ashtrays) which are placed in a visible and acceptable place.

Pioneer (2021)

Let’s preserve the park and its greenery by throwing cigarette butts in the Butty ashtray!

We may not save the planet, but we want to set a good example for all smokers; if they have to light up a cigarette in the park, let them not leave trash and ugly scenes behind, but on the contrary, be a change in society and leave a good mark.

Butty has settled in well in Pionirac for now and is looking forward to meeting new friends.

Ekotlon (2021)

Traditionally, every year, the Ekotlon race is organized on Lake Bundek, which promotes the importance of environmental management. During the race, participants carry a garbage bag with them while running and collect the waste they come across along the way. Of course, we couldn’t miss this race and we supported a cleaner Bundek, Zagreb, and the whole of Croatia.

Zagreb GK (2021)

Smoking on trains has not been allowed for many years, so passengers use some minutes before departure to light a cigarette on the platform. Since there are no arranged places and ashtrays, most cigarette butts end up on the tracks next to the platform.