Polvo com atitude Danas u Lisabonu umjesto ružnih crteža na svakom koraku postoje prava umjetnička djela nastala u suradnji umjetnika i gradske vlasti VIŠE Osmijehom do sigurnosti Suradnja sa stand up komičarima koji su prilagodili predstavu inputirajući edukativne poruke o sigurnosti u prometu te omogućili pasivno educiranje i korigiranje loše stečenih navika
Školica za život Velika ulična edukativna prometna bojanka za male i velike umjetnike. Kredu u ruke i pridruži nam se VIŠE Koraci koji čine razliku Pretvorimo Trnavu iz mjesta stradavanja na pruzi u mjesto života, druženja i inovativnih rješenje VIŠE


Directions of action in traffic


Traffic safety is IN, and “Heroj ulice” is cool.

Join us!


We are in no hurry to get anywhere that we don’t have time for traffic culture.

Get involved!


First you have to crawl to know how to walk, and only then to run a bicycle or a motor vehicle.

Support us!


I don’t like being someone else’s number, nor a cheap machine, and that’s why I’m an active traffic participant.

Get moving!

Think local, act global

SG.I project activities are divided into preventive-educational activities, research activities and professional papers that are intertwined in the projects

Croatian Grand Safety Award / Croatian Grand Prix of safety

The Croatian Association of Security Managers launched the awarding of the Croatian Great Security Award to recognize individuals, companies, institutions, the local community and everyone who makes a significant contribution to safety in the Republic of Croatia.

“Are there any awake? choose life!” is the best community safety project among non-profit organizations.

As part of the Fifth Global Road Safety Week, SG.I conducted a preventive action “Are there any awake? Choose life!” at the Vrapčak wild crossing, May 11, 2019. The action was carried out in order to point out to citizens the dangers of risky behaviour and the use of trespassing (illegal railroad crossings).

Why cooperate with us?

There are many ways to take small steps to change your lifestyle habits, while at the same time making big steps towards traffic safety

Safe. That's the world we want.


We are a combination of people of different professions, interests and thinking combined in a perfect traffic loop at the intersection of roads.


Guru in Sanskrit means "teacher" who is indispensable for students in their search for knowledge. GU indicates “the spiritual ignorance in which most of humanity is”, and RU indicates “the light of spiritual knowledge that illuminates ignorance”.


A socially acceptable value system in traffic is our mission. The priority of safety depends on each individual who participates in traffic.


To change the perspective of one's own life, human history, traffic and the world around. To be an encouragement and inspiration for a better, safer and happier life. Our vision is a return to a safety future.

“As a young railway engineer, I share the passion and desire to improve the existing transport system by applying modern innovative technologies.”

Dominik Mlinaric

Grand Safety Award
Direction of action
Direction of action

Donate! Join in! Contact us!

For every euro donated, we add one euro of our own. We provide the rest of the value through hours, days and months of volunteer work, and we offer solutions to competent traffic planners.

It is often said that human life has no price, but when it comes to investing in accident prevention and the development of safety, there are never enough financial resources.If you like our traffic solutions and thoughts on the safety of life and health of traffic participants, support us with a donation.



As a partner in promoting safety, you have an important role in creating sustainable transport systems towards achieving Vision Zero.

You get access to unique competence and research infrastructure and the opportunity to get involved in projects that you would not be able to realize on your own.

Become a partner! Join us!